Jobs in the broad field of criminal justice are never far from the headlines of the news or the plot lines of TV shows and movies.
Most Affordable Online Criminal Justice Programs 1

And it’s true that people come to this field from a wide range of interests. Maybe you grew up watching police procedurals like NCIS or Law and Order, and you find the excitement and challenge of police work a compelling and attractive feature of the career.

What kind of criminal justice degree should you get?
Maybe you’ve seen the many recent news stories about the relationship between the police and minority communities, and you want to make a difference for the better in your own city.  Maybe you’re already a serving police officer, correctional officer, or sheriff’s deputy ready to take on a leadership role within your current department.

Or, maybe, like many people involved in this field, police work is a long and proud family tradition. Regardless of how you first developed your interest, though, investigating your educational options in criminal justice is the next step in turning your career goals into reality.

How much money does one make with a degree in criminal justice?
According to, the average salaries for people in law enforcement vary widely based on the employer and the level of responsibility. Some examples are:

FBI Agent: $63,233
Police or Sheriff’s Patrol Officer: $49,824
Police Detective: $59,560
First-Line Supervisor/Manager of Correctional Operations: $42,833
Correctional Officer/Jailer: $33,369
What can you do with an online bachelor’s in criminal justice?
Additionally, many of the career benefits of police work, typically including generous pension packages, are not reflected in salary reports. And the greatest benefit of all, knowing that you’re serving your neighbors and working for the common good, is intangible. Indeed, there are many ways to serve and protect. From TSA to police officer, probation specialist to detective, you will find this degree serves you throughout your life and career.

While not all police departments and correctional institutions require a bachelor’s degree for entry-level positions, having one will make you a more attractive candidate. And some positions, including those in federal law enforcement (FBI Special Agent, U.S. Marshal, etc.) require a college degree for all applicants.

What are the requirements for an online bachelor’s in criminal justice?
These 10 programs offer full undergraduate degrees. First you will be required to complete two years of general education coursework (in English, science, math, etc). But once those are done and out of the way you will jump into the criminal justice major. This will include taking such introductory classes as:

Courts and Law
Police and Society
Juvenile Detention
After finishing your core criminal justice classes you can further explore the complex world of criminal justice by taking a number of electives, in everything from transnational crime to the death penalty. And you can gain hands-on experience through internships or field practicums. Some schools even require it (we’ve been sure to note which).

What are the most affordable online bachelor’s in criminal justice?
We’ve ranked the most affordable online bachelor’s degree programs for those who would like to prepare for a law enforcement career while keeping your current job – and for current officers who want to add to your qualifications without leaving the organization you’re serving now. One final note: many of these programs have extra admissions requirements such as successfully passing a background check, so be sure to look into those stipulations before you apply and contact the program you’re applying to if you have any questions.

One final note: many of these programs have extra admissions requirements such as successfully passing a background check, so be sure to look into those stipulations before you apply and contact the program you’re applying to if you have any questions.

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