I love these college dorm room essentials. These are things I used every day in college. 
When I was going into my freshman year of college almost 3 years ago (omg does it go by fast), I swear I bought out like the entire dorm section in Target. OK, I’m exaggerating, but that’s what it seemed like when I tried to fit it in my dorm lol. I had no idea what I would actually use and I wanted to make sure I was prepared.
I’m here to let you know that you won’t even use half the stuff you buy.
I’m going to be sharing with you the 13 items every college student needs. These are things I used every single day so I can guarantee you’ll use them too.
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Items Every College Student Needs:

1. Fan

Even if your dorm has air conditioning I would still consider getting a fan. It gets stuffy in dorms so having a fan is nice. This one is awesome because it can clip onto your desk or bed. It’s also battery powered so you don’t have to worry about it reaching an outlet!

2. Humidifier

My skin got so dry when I moved into a dorm. Even moisturizing every morning and night didn’t really do much. When I got a humidifier my skin got so much better and the room just felt cleaner.

3. Keurig

But first, coffee. My freshman year my roommates and I set up one of those cube systems in our little entry way and had a coffee station! We put a Keurig on it and in the little cubbies had kcups, sugar, powdered creamer, hot cocoa, and tea. We had a whole set up going on haha!

4. Surge protector

I can guarantee you there will only be 2, maybe 3 outlets in your dorm. You will absolutely need a surge protector. You can use a power strip if you want, but my dorm building didn’t let us since they aren’t as safe as a surge protector.
This is the most amazing surge protector I’ve ever seen (wow that is a super lame sentence lol). I just came across this one on Amazon. I’ve never seen one that has outlets that can turn to the side. Girls – you know how annoying it is when you have to plug in your hair dryer but it covers up the other outlet so you can’t plug in your straightener. Well, now you can.
Ok, enough about a surge protector. Moving on…

5. Phone chargers

The 10 ft charger is essential for living in a dorm. There most likely isn’t an outlet by your bed so you need a long one if you plan on being on your phone in bed.
I always keep a 3 ft charger in my backpack at all times so when I’m on campus all day I can plug my phone in. Always leave it in your backpack so you don’t forget it. I recommend having multiple chargers so you don’t have to remember to bring one with you at all times.

6. Card holder

Every single person on campus has one of these. They are an essential for college students. Usually at orientation they hand out plastic ones but they end up ripping. I love this faux leather one so it stays in tact and you won’t lose your cards.
This card holder is compatible with wireless charging so if you have a wireless charger you can still use it.

7. Dirt Devil Vacuum

This is an essential for dorm rooms! My roommates and I used this exact one in our dorm. It’s a great size for a small space and does the job!
This vacuum is super inexpensive and can’t stress enough how much you’ll need it!

8. Towel wrap

A towel wrap is a MUST have! It’s so nice to have this to wrap up in after a shower. Even if you don’t feel comfortable walking back to your room in it (I know I wouldn’t) it’s great to put on and wear in the bathroom while you brush your teeth, your hair, etc.

9. Reusable water bottle

Reusable water bottles are essential in college so you don’t have to keep buying packs of water. It helps the environment by cutting down on plastic and it helps your wallet.
Most dorms have water fountains so you can always fill up.

10. Hand sanitizer

This is something you probably won’t think of but definitely need! I always keep a hand sanitizer in my backpack. This is especially important when it’s winter and literally everyone is sick in your classes.

11. Pocket tissues

This goes along with always having sanitizer in your backpack. Winter months at school can be brutal. Make sure you have tons of tissues.

12. Planner

I would be totally lost in college without my planner. I couldn’t find the one I have on Amazon so I just linked this one because it’s cute and affordable. A planner will be your best friend in college.
Get in the habit of writing every thing down in it and checking it every day. You don’t want to risk missing an assignment or test in college because it will really effect your grade.

13. Steamer

This is something that I didn’t use every day, but I thought I’d still include it since it was an essential for me. My steamer came in handy so many times and I still use it today. You might not think of it, but when you have a class presentation to dress up for or sorority recruitment you want to make sure you are wrinkle free.

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